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Razor burn relief: how to soothe your skin like a pro

man shaving in front of the mirror

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Have you ever shaved and been left with angry red skin that feels like it’s burning? Well, you’re not alone; most men and beauty enthusiasts suffer from this common nuisance. 

It is painful and can even have an impact on your confidence and appearance. Don’t worry; this blog will take you through how to get rid of razor burns.

What causes razor burn? Understanding the problem

Razor burn can get on one’s nerves, but the first step towards avoiding it is knowing what triggers it in the first place; the commonest of triggers are dull blades, shaving without enough lubrication, and using harsh products. 

This painful irritation usually stems from skin sensitivity and improper shaving techniques. So let’s now move forward to understand these triggers in detail and how they lead to razor burn.

Why razor burn happens

The causes of razor burn can be a few; first, the skin becomes a dwelling place for microscopic tears resulting from the action of the friction of the razor. 

Another probable cause is shaving against the grain, which increases friction and irritability; thirdly, using hard, aggressive products for shaving can dissolve skin oil to such an extent that your skin will be left dry, leading to a higher chance of razor burn.

Man changing the razor blade on his shaver

How to prevent razor burn: Practical tips for a smooth shave

Prevention of razor burn is in preparation long before the razor touches your skin; proper prep, the right tools, and good technique will set the stage. Here are some practical tips to help you achieve a smooth, irritation-free shave.

Always use a sharp, clean razor

One of the easiest ways to prevent razor burn is to use a nice, sharp, clean razor; a little bit duller blade will need some extra pressure, which can perhaps irritate the skin.

Change your blades often and don’t use disposable razors with dull edges. A nice, sharp blade cuts hair more efficiently, therefore decreasing the friction that causes razor burn.

Prepping the skin for shaving

You need to prepare your skin properly for this. Warm water helps soften the hair and open the pores, so the actual process of shaving will be a lot smoother. 

Maybe you should think about using Rogers Park Shave Soap or African Black Shave Soap; our shaving soaps, create a rich lather that is protective, reducing friction and softening hair to set the stage for a smooth shave.

Shave with the grain

This normally provides a closer shave, though more than half the time the friction is against the grain, and it results in a painful razor burn. 

Always make it a point to shave in the hair growth direction—this way, the chances of developing micro-cuts are greatly reduced, and the skin becomes smoother and less irritated.

Hydrate and protect the skin

Proper hydration and care for your skin are significant during shaving. Sweet Comb Chicago’s Shaving Soap and Cool Beans Shave Soap will provide a hydrating barrier while shaving to help prevent that painful, unsightly razor burn. 

Created with ingredients to protect your skin from drying out, these make the shaving process much gentler on your skin.

How to treat razor burn: immediate relief tips

Even with the best prevention techniques, sometimes razor burn happens. When it does, you need relief—and fast. Here are some immediate steps to soothe irritated skin and promote faster healing.

Cool compresses for instant relief

You can simply apply a cool compress to the skin that was affected by razor burn to get much-needed, immediate relief. 

This cool temperature takes the heat out of your skin, thereby soothing your skin from irritation. Simply take a clean cloth, dip it in cold water, and place it on the affected area for a few minutes.

Aftershave Balm for soothing and healing

Sweet Comb Chicago Aftershave Balm is a fantastic product that helps reduce irritation and encourages skin healing. 

Among the few qualities of the balm include soothing the skin, reducing redness, and trapping moisture to avoid irritation; our aftershave balm will have your skin feeling different after the application.

Avoiding further irritation

It is important not to scratch or rub the inflamed area, doing so may lead to more irritation of the razor burn area. Gentle care and proper treatment will help your skin recover faster. Be good to your skin; give it the care it needs for recovery.

Long-term solutions: how to prevent razor burn in the future

If you are getting affected frequently by razor burns, then it’s time you look for some long-term remedies, you can still find ways to prevent razor burns by changing your routine in grooming and selecting the right products. Some long-term prevention tips are mentioned below:

Establishing a routine

The key to avoiding razor burn is to get yourself on a regular shaving routine and use quality pre-shave products and techniques to avoid irritation. 

Prepare your skin, using hydrating products such as Sweet Comb Chicago Shaving Soap, and follow with its soothing Aftershave Balm.

Consider your skin type

Various skin types need an appropriate level of care. Men with sensitive skin should use products that are mild and specifically designed not to irritate.

With the gentle properties of Sweet Comb Chicago shaving products, even those with sensitive skin can experience a razor-burn-free shave.

Bonus tips: other ways to soothe and prevent razor burn

In addition to the tips mentioned before, there are other ways to soothe and prevent razor burn, here are some additional strategies to keep in mind.

Use natural oils and moisturizers

Natural soothing, moisturizing post-shave with aloe vera and coconut oils will be regular on your shaving routine. 

It is also applied regularly to the skin to keep it healthy and less prone to irritation. This can be a good addition to natural remedies in your shaving routine.

Exfoliate regularly

Exfoliation of the skin before shaving removes dead skin cells and prevents ingrown hairs, which can result in razor burn. 

You can find some gentle products on the market that help in this exfoliation process and make a big difference in how smooth your shave is and how free it is from any kind of irritation. So, make exfoliation a regular part of your grooming routine.

Sweet Comb Chicago products for razor burn relief

In Sweet Comb Chicago we have a whole range of shaving products that prevent razor burns and have a soothing effect on irritated skin. 

All made from natural ingredients, these products nourish the skin before and after shaving for smooth and protected skin.

Shaving Soaps for smooth and protected skin

Some of the best options for not getting razor burn include Sweet Comb Chicago African Black Shave Soap, Rogers Park Shave Soap, and Cool Beans Shave Soap; our shaving soaps create loads of lather that hydrate the skin and lubricate it against friction, further helping in achieving a closer shave.

Aftershave Balm for soothing relief

Sweet Comb Chicago’s Aftershave Balm is a must if you have razor burn, it locks in moisture, and reduces redness and discomfort, making your post-shave experience so much more comfortable.


You don’t have to suffer through razor burn as part of your daily shaving routine. Learn what causes it, how to prevent it, and how to treat it, and you can get smoother, less irritated skin. 

Our products on Sweet Comb Chicago, are indeed very instrumental, so check them out today for a more quality, natural option toward achieving a better shaving experience for yourself.

Picture of Martin Lopez
Martin Lopez

Founder of Sweet Comb Chicago

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