About Sweet Comb Chicago

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Privacy Policy:

SweetCombChicago is committed to keeping your personal information private and secure. We collect information about you as part of the registration and ordering process. You may choose not to share this information with us, but that might result in an inability to complete the ordering process. SweetCombChicago does not share your personal information with any third party other than those required to fulfill your order (e.g. merchant bank for credit card charging; UPS for order delivery). In such cases we disclose only enough information to perform the necessary services, and the third parties are prohibited from using or revealing your personal information for other purposes. SweetCombChicago may use your email address or phone number to contact you about your order if we have questions or problems. Also, if you have not opted out of our email newsletter, you may also receive that on occasion, but it will always contain an easy way for you to unsubscribe. Our goal is to give you only the information that you want. Our privacy policy will remain posted here and it may change in the future. Any significant change will be announced on the homepage. By using this site, you agree to the terms of this policy.


We realize that you trust us with your personal information, and we go to great lengths to protect that information. We use industry-standard Secure Sockets Layer (“SSL”) authentication to ensure the confidentiality of online purchases at SweetCombChicago.com. This encryption standard helps prevent third parties from intercepting your vital personal information. We thoroughly scan for malware, viruses, phishing attacks, and other malicious activities-all to ensure visitor safety. We will never display your full credit card number; only the last 4 digits for identification purposes. Our site is McAfee certified as a safe place to shop. We feel confident that we provide a very strong level of security. Nevertheless, because we cannot control the potential unlawful activities of third parties, information is transmitted at your own risk.